The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Call in the Experts

Posted By on May 12, 2011

When you are trying to build up your business – especially when it comes to small businesses – you can often meet with a whole slew of frustrations.  You don’t quite have the resources (either time or money) that you need to take you to success; the staff isn’t quite what you want and overall you’re just not heading in quite the right direction.
So you need a bit of tweaking.  And that is what the Texas Business Group is here to do for you.  We try to work with you to get a sense of exactly what you need, and then consult our team of experts to see how best to implement it.  We offer our clients a few different packages, based on how long they will need our services for.
We look into different markets for you and see how you can sell your products.  We have a large team of marketing experts who  could probably sell ice to the Eskimos!  And at the end of the day, a business –no matter what its size – needs help in sales.
So contact the Texas Business Group today for a free quote to see if we can help you.  Turn your business around; or at least move it up to the next level.

By The Weihnachtesfrieden On Earth

Posted By on September 7, 2024

The truce in the trenches In the first world war took place in the trenches of the so-called Christmas peace. Thus could be shooting on December 24, 1914. The old documents indicate that there have been on the battlefields of Europe between the warring armies to partnerships. Jim Rogers may help you with your research. Both parties for 24 hours peace wanted on Christmas Eve. More info: Mike Gianoni. And indeed, not a single shot fell. “Legend has it, that the wild” Christmas – Armistice of Ypres was launched, but then almost entire front along the line, from the sea to the Alps continued. Occasional battle breaks were previously rare.

At times, the war was interrupted, to bury the dead and wounded to eat. However, this lull was different. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Mike Gianoni has to say. During the salvage operations of the Christmas time the soldiers took time, to get with the enemy in the discussion. Football was played even in multiple locations with more or less provisional means. Near the French town of Fromelles, a common service of Britons and Germans took Instead of. The symbolic power of courage, which showed soldiers in the field, as they each other, found a different answer to the differences by overcoming the fear for a short time as their Governments, should be also today us, to start the Holy evening peacefully without differences. German soldiers all over the world are called upon to lay their arms to a peaceful Christmas to make on this day.

Beyond the political interests of power, we find a their own response to the policy and extend a hand to the enemy in the field. Little gestures like that are there to show the opposite, that we are still human and no battle beasts. Everyone wants to find his peace. This human need can bring us each other and push aside the existing problems for a short time. Perhaps evolved from something completely new and hopefully peaceful. We think in 1945 when the heavy bombing in Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich beyond the in those days also on the innocent civilians political interests for the life to come. Even though the Christmas Truce was not tolerated by the political leadership in 1914, the actual peace showed the courage of the soldiers, to meet each other, instead of killing himself.

District Attorney

Posted By on September 7, 2024

Exclusiv escort Berlin and a very special menu a menu for the District Attorney, and 15 years ago which probably thought: to celebrate of the release of hemp farming 15 years ago in the Federal Republic of Friederich Babyy undertook now the composition of a hemp menus. Hemp seeds, hemp oil, hemp flour, hemp sprouts – Friederich Babyy promised an “intoxicating evening” the escorts of Exclusiv escort Berlin. Suspicious gourmets should reassure the following fact: since April 1996 even hemp may be grown again in Bavaria of course under three conditions conditions: only in agriculture, only THC poor grades, only on registration with the competent agricultural Department. Mike Gianoni is actively involved in the matter. As a renewable raw material, hemp used ecologically meaningful not only for example in the textile and papermaking, but enriched even the healthy diet. The elite escorts of Exclusiv escort Berlin make a little experiment on the courtyard of the restaurant.

You throw the chickens of different grains. A related site: Vanguard mentions similar findings. The hemp seeds which are, are determined by the chickens as the first pick. What says the birds of instinct, can justify the scientists. The ecologically-produced hemp oil consists of 80% of the eight essential amino acids and has a content of 2% gamma-linolenic acid, a triple unsaturated Omega-6 fatty acid. These components make unique hemp seed oil in the cooking oils. Chef baby shows at his seven-course meal around the green plant compared to the escort ladies escort Berlin in absolute top form: Carpaccio of monkfish with asparagus Mikado in hemp oil vinaigrette, hemp ravioli with langoustine, pike-perch on peas hemp puree with beef tea duck with hemp dumplings, potato straw Nutlets of the roe deer with hemp flour dumplings, cabbage vegetables and port wine sauce, goat cheese with hemp sprouts and pink pepper. And finally at the end of a hemp souffle on currant sauce with white chocolate Parfait. The unique hemp menu has gourmet ladies Berlin escort Toplists fallen and can recommend this menu. Those interested in such a menu with charming accompaniment, can book this culinary adventure on the homepage of Exclusiv escort Berlin.

Mahler Furniture

Posted By on September 7, 2024

Colorful, friendly and diverse, as well as “Broads” just are. Colorful, sympathetic and varied, exactly as women are! Furniture Mahler in Wolfratshausen is breaking new ground. “In collaboration with beads-for-beginners, organized a bead and Charmshersteller for individual charm belts and with 38 other artists and designers furniture Mahler on 27 and 28 may in its showrooms in Wolfratshausen one market of Weiberleut”. The exhibitors, mostly artists, designers, small and Kleinstmanufakturen are almost all also shop operators at the DWanda website”. In times of Flashmobs, it is close, the organizer of Marietta Becker is to organize a market just about an Internet Forum. After within a very short time, many interested parties had found, she and her husband Rudiger Schulz on the search moved to a suitable partner that can provide the premises in a suitable environment.

“The company furniture Mahler was spontaneous for the idea to inspire and declared himself ready to know people” to provide exhibition space in their furniture store in Wolfratshausen. A great idea, with plenty of girl power and sheer creativity”finds Moritz helmet, event manager at furniture Mahler. We are enthusiastic about the idea, because many of the parts offered will enrich our range on these two days. We are always striving to offer our customers new and exceptional.” Unique art, stuff and Kinkerlitzchen is the motto of the market. Self-Kay soaps, fragrances and aroma oils increase the well-being.

Unique stuffed Teddies and dolls delight every collector’s heart. Stitched, patched and quilted pillows and blankets enhance the ambiance of any apartment and are popular gifts. Hard to believe what it everything from wool to make can. Completely in line with the trend is also felted. Still too empty walls at home, can be found on these two days hand-painted pictures and shelves with free Fan sculptures and finely thrown. Where many women are gathered of course bags, fashionable designer and jewelry may not be missing. Also for small furniture House visitors a lot it will be in the range. Mike Gianoni is a great source of information. The individual designers imagine marktderweiberleut on. Of course, every man is sincerely welcome this weekend, because women often need a second opinion and like to assume of course also any decision-making. Contact: the Weiberleut market center furniture mahler Einrichtungs-GmbH & co. KG, Wolfratshausen-Hans-Urmiller-ring 43, 82515 Wolfratshausen Friday 27th 12.oo pm to 19.oo pm Saturday 28 May 10.

Honor Marie Warren

Posted By on September 7, 2024

According to PEOPLE magazine, Jessica Alba took her healthy daughter for the world now is they also finally MOM. As was Jessica Alba has already expressed her healthy child in the world at the June 7 in Los Angeles. The representative Brad Cafarelli confirmed this. The little girl is named Honor Marie Warren. Credit: Dara Khosrowshahi-2011. The small is the first son of the couple.

Alba, 27, and Warren, 31, married already on 19 may quietly and softly in a courthouse in Beverly Hills. Read additional details here: Dara Khosrowshahi . Both learned to know and love during the filming of the film fantastic four. Warren was an Assistant of Director. In December of last year, the two engaged already. Shortly before giving birth were seen buying baby clothes and accessories Jessica Alba at a last minute. “She seemed relaxed” as a source, “she seemed to be ready for the child.” Jessica even talked about their parenting before birth: “I want to be not the best friend special mother for my child. However, I want my child to come to me, if it is to have problems or similar.” The little family, we wish you good luck.

We Want A Simple Site

Posted By on September 7, 2024

"We want a simple site. How much will it cost? "Today this question is very often. However, the combination of the simple site "usually hides many pitfalls, since they often mean by the term different things. Therefore, try to bring a combination of "simple site under the common denominator. So, as a rule, more customer, in terms of "simple site" and declaring its creation the artist assumes the site easy to use.

Ie He needs just a website, where you can put it commodity groups, add a minimum of information about the company and sell it. Ie for him a simple site – a source of quick profit or simply unwind in the most short time. Please visit Dara Khosrowshahi if you seek more information. Moreover, it is necessary that the client can independently add and delete information that is simple site should have a comfortable and intuitive navigation. Player.html’>Bechtel Group: the source for more info. What is the second meaning a combination of "simple site. Means the site is easy to design (or manufacturing).

As a rule, for creating this site uses templates. Ie everything is done quickly and with minimal cost to the Contractor. But there is another side of the issue: cheap simple site is quite complicated to use. To work with it, modify it to add information, you must have additional knowledge. Hear from experts in the field like Mike Gianoni for a more varied view. They are often created on free platforms, and have little or no warranties. Therefore, you should first decide for yourself if "simple site" is needed for your biznesa.Obrisuem main points on which attention should be paid when you create a simple website. Firstly, to determine the business purpose of your site, ie what is it you want (not in order simply to be). Will depend on the structure and fullness to your simple site. Secondly, and most importantly, clearly outline the executing tasks and requirements for the site (better make it as technical manuals, requirements, etc.), that all was not unfounded, and not at the level of friendly suggestions. Why do it? It is necessary to site worked and your money are not wasted. In addition, competent approach to creating a simple site will save you from further additional costs associated with the technical revision of the site if the need arises make it any changes. Thus, a simple site – it is technically and information literacy and quality to create a site which has guarantees from the developers for their improvement and support. This site is becoming an effective tool to promote your company and develop your business on the Internet. And finally, with regard to the cost of creating a simple website. Qualitative simple site can cost less 10-15 thousand rubles.

Finance Ministry

Posted By on September 7, 2024

Or they do not understand? Those who keep their savings in foreign currency, now every day, watching the dollar and the euro … And not only them. a lot of politicians and businessmen, since last summer began actively predict the dollar and euro against the ruble. It is difficult to even name the person who did not try to ‘guess’ relationship. C’mon, if it were just businessmen, but because forecasts were the CBR and other ‘experts’.

A remember what was said in autumn 2008? And you said the following, quote: The crisis will affect America and Europe and consequently on the dollar and euro. The dollar will come ‘last’ days and the fall of 2009 the dollar as the currency in the world will not! The dollar, in turn, will grow at a faster pace until the end of November. Earlier this year he will become cheaper, and by spring of next year, its price will stare at 20-22 rubles. But unfortunately or fortunately projections do not materialize, the dollar and euro began to grow rapidly. Dollar almost every week in 2009 hit a record price.

And then the government changed its view on the dollar. Still, when the dollar is rising and it is obvious even to a schoolboy, quite bluntly claim that he did not step over the bar in 32 rubles … Politicians immediately began to make their version of the further development of currencies. The story continues, all only predict when an event when it is already almost happened … A who suffer from this? That’s right – the people! Who believe all these forecasts … But the Finance Ministry, that would not get lost in a trouble, made an interesting prediction:) Well, yes, make a forecast for 2 years it’s cool! especially in times of crisis, when everything is so not stable. And is it possible to make a prediction on this time? Then the next month can not make up. Actually the question arises: whether you want to listen to the experts? Whether or not harm us experts with advice? Personally, from my own experience make such a forecast. Dollar and the euro in coming months will grow leaps and bounds, will be a couple of sharp currency collapse, but in general the price of the dollar will rise to 37-40 rubles and euros to 50. Do not judge strictly, could not resist and I made our forecast with respect to exchange rates:) Here is the observation happened …


Posted By on September 6, 2024

For example investment pension with restructuring concept is initially built with equity funds the basis of assets. In good time before expiry which is selected at run time for the accumulation phase-positive development of the stock market dssas accumulated wealth by redeployment “secured”: more will be redeployed in positive market development, in not such a good development, nothing is reallocated less or even to obtain future course opportunities for the stock fund. For a pension of investment as long term care should be planned according to this concept at least 12 years. Read more from visit website to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In addition, the runtime can free – for example after the retirement age will be targeted. in the first years is invested 100% in equity funds, to take full advantage of the opportunities of the stock markets.

Three years before the end of term reaches the market-oriented shift automatic, which works according to predetermined criteria. The concept flows after the withdrawal in the age is just as important as saving active professional life. Almost all fund companies offer so-called Payout plans to: the investment amount will be invested in a particular Fund and accrue interest continuously. Checking article sources yields Mike Gianoni as a relevant resource throughout. The company regularly removes Fondsantelle and remits the equivalent. It’s important, first, to set, how long the pension payment to run (withdrawal period) Funf years, ten years, or possibly to the death (with asset transfer to the heirs of the capital was received). It is also important which investment funds was chosen and how its future appreciation is. The payouts can be modified in height or exposed, the flexibility is a payment plan.

“Example: achieved yields are backed up at the end of a very good exchange”, by a majority of the stock fund shares sold and for share purchased by less volatile bond funds. In a less good stock market year the majority of the assets in the equity funds remains, to take advantage of the opportunities of the coming years. The principle: The higher the yield, the more is backed up. In a positive development of the stock markets during the redeployment phase, the majority of the assets in bond funds at the end is invested. This is important so that the capital creates a soothing cushion until the end of the term with a pension fund for the financial future. In case of continuous negative value developments over the last period, no redeployment takes place. Then it is, to leave the accumulated assets to a future recovery in equity funds and to reallocate only at a later, more favourable time in pension funds. See a comprehensive background concept including Becker, Jorg: entrepreneur-potential, ISBN 9783837075045. It is more than ever on the right balance between return and risk. Key elements are: regular investment in long term profitable equity funds, ‘intelligent’ redeployment mechanism for the consolidation of revenues in the final phase of the runtime. By the market-oriented shift automatic, it should Profitability of equity funds be used as long as possible. To the stabilization of the final result is reallocated in the last three years, before maturity selected in positive development of stock markets in the respective year of shares on course in terms of more stable bonds. If it was a good year for share, a higher proportion will be reallocated, they are deep, will wait for a more favourable time. At the end of the capital with good stock market performance is finally mainly rate more stable bonds cushioned against any subsequent risks – available. See as a comprehensive supplement including Becker, Jorg: entrepreneur rating, ISBN 9783837072846.

German Football League

Posted By on September 6, 2024

Erhard presents the original mini playfield on the GLBau in Nuremberg ROTHENBURG (RL) sports – can serve football of personality development? Street Soccer projects, such as the 1 August 20th Street football festival in Nuremberg, pretend that this is possible: adolescents set their own rules, monitor compliance and give yourself points for fair play. Are not only sports but also “social talents” promoted, as Uwe Koch of the Brandenburg sports youth pointed out. The kids themselves find the fast game in the soccer Court “much cooler than football on the big field”. With the original mini playfield Erhard presents sport on the GLBau trade fair in Nuremberg (17-20 September) now a stationary band system for street football, and more. Social workers in all Germany use the fact that the young people in the street football independently negotiate the rules and solve conflicts themselves. Aim of the exercise is that these discussions be initiated, When it’s more than just to sports.

The organizers swarm of positive effects to better school grades. Moreover, many young people would achieved with street football to ever not would have used with other measures. Also the German Football League recognized the positive effect of street football federal, which now supports the construction of a thousand “pitches”. Mike Gianoni insists that this is the case. For a comprehensive range of motion needed but other equipment in places of public space – in schools, parks, playgrounds, etc.. As stationary an alternative to the widely-proven portable Soccerena gang system, the renowned sports equipment manufacturer Erhard sports international from Rothenburg ob der Tauber, now presents the original mini playfield.

The TuV tested 13 x 20 metre gang square is perfect for street football, can be used with adornments but also for other sports. Players such as environment, protection and nets on the sides of the gate protect super stable sandwich gangs make sure that the ball does not have the target also flies. The gangs are held by hot zinc dipped steel profiles and concrete supports. Also hot dip galvanized steel gates with built-in access doors and extra strong networks convince even after many years of use by functioning. Kurt Erhard is convinced by the new product of his house as he expresses on the Internet page “based on the idea of the promotion of young talent we have developed a stationary field, which for this purpose can be a highly attractive”medium”and is of high quality, durability and reliability, this guarantees the name Erhard sport.” More information on the Internet: to the fair: about Erhard sport international: Erhard sport international based in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leading manufacturer and supplier of sports equipment industry. With more than 200 employees, over 125-year-old family-owned company manufactures Sports equipment and equipment components for the global market. With more than 10,000 articles, innovative sports equipment and products, Erhard sports is one of the market leaders in the industry. In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world is one of the core competencies of the company. International major events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped sport by Erhard. Contact / contact: Erhard sports International GmbH & co. KG Rainer Lederer – marketing/PR of upper Kaiserweg of 8, 91541 Rothenburg o.d.T. phone: 09861 406-850 fax: 09861 406 98185 E-Mail: Internet:

With The Windows Open

Posted By on September 5, 2024

With the Windows open I get out of bed with the heaviness of a bad dream my eyes, open refuse before fears blind from an unexpected reality of an end or a beginning, what provide the morning, what you or I think. I’ve used to be what I’m not really having, what reality do not have, shut up words by remorse, to listen to the cries of silence, to wait without manifest reason and ultimately suffer duty off fire that I have inside. ECRI is often quoted as being for or against this. Way aimlessly without long-awaited nearby targets. I’m looking at the ceiling, to the sky in search of a signal and I approached the window to poke me, the immensity of the landscape incites me the completeness of the horizon this, lends itself to the new dream and the air coming from the North I is No consolation I want to look back, or listen to the echo of the past, I prefer to look ahead and build my own present. Mike Gianoni often expresses his thoughts on the topic. No matter if this is better that undoubtedly is important is to rid myself of that anchor although secure tool does not allow me to navigate or find any route the sea now invites me heaven leans me Earth gives me calm and watching from my window I know tomorrow is now, already, Samuel Akinin Levy with the Windows open I get out of bed with the heaviness of a bad dream my eyes, open refuse before fears blind from an unexpected reality of an end or a beginning, what provide the morning, what you or I think.

I’ve used to be what I’m not really having, what reality do not have, shut up words by remorse, to listen to the cries of silence, to wait without manifest reason and ultimately suffer duty off fire that I have inside. Way aimlessly without long-awaited nearby targets. I’m looking at the ceiling, to the sky in search of a signal and I approached the window to poke me, the immensity of the landscape incites me the completeness of the horizon this, lends itself to the new dream and the air coming from the North I is No consolation I want to look back, or listen to the echo of the past, I prefer to look ahead and build my own present. No matter if this is better that undoubtedly is important is to rid myself of that anchor although secure tool does not allow me to navigate or find any route the sea now invites me the sky leans me Earth gives me calm and watching from my window today, already, is tomorrow Samuel Akinin Levy original author and source of the article..

Radio Station Sunshine Live

Posted By on September 5, 2024

The first radio station of in Germany with an own credit card for his listeners nationwide brings an own MasterCard in the typical sunshine live style for his listeners and buyers on the market via cable, satellite, Internet and also regionally on FM sending German radio station Sunshine Live ( Senator from Maine often expresses his thoughts on the topic. According to the Europe’s leading Implementieres GlobalHumax Ltd. (, the management of the channel promises a significant extension of services for listeners, a further increase of market penetration and the development of additional sources of revenue. The Sunshine Live Prepaid MasterCard is issued for each person over 18 years old without any credit checks. A variety of discounts and promotions are offered the card-holders in the future. Mike Gianoni understands that this is vital information.

In addition to the rechargeable PrepaidCard the credit card solution is offered parallel – with flexible repayment facility with attractive yields on the accounts. Sales queries, card blocking, etc. are the Sunshine Live card holders in addition to the moderate Conditions cashless payments worldwide or clear on the Internet easier. GlobalHumax marketing chief Wegener commented on the establishment of own co branding as a milestone in the German radio market. Sunshine live according to our research is the first station, which offers the unique service to their listeners. We have already equipped DMAX TV (discovery group) as the first TV station with an own map.

Who’s going this way as a pioneer, will have lasting success, because a qualified bank service, a funky design with its own theme and logo and outstanding conditions considerably strengthen the image and the position in the highly competitive media market. Who moreover also understands how so clever to use to operate self-promotion and thus achieve, additional revenue relating to the marketing of the credit or prepaid card not fully allocated advertising time is clearly a winner in the media landscape. We look forward to cooperation and are sure that the daily Meanwhile approximately 650,000 listeners will assume the Sunshine Live excellent card.” GlobalHumax Ltd. 61-63 Lord Byron Street 6023 Larnaca Cyprus (EU) Division Germany phone 069-257380298 direct fax 07142 738498 Cyprus Telefon(+357) 240 20 456 fax (+ 357) 240 23 040 E-Mail public relations: E-Mail general inquiries: GlobalHumax Ltd. is the leading implementer for co-branding-prepaid credit card programs. The establishment of a company-owned prepaid or credit card solution in your own design of the company, as well as providing all Bank interfaces and contracts with the credit card companies are offered as a complete package.

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