The Texas Business Group

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International Congress

/ Madrid hosts the 1st International Congress on ethics and tourism. The growth of tourism potentially implies a negative impact whose consequences want to be fought by a code of ethics. Tourism is now 5.2% of global GDP. Tourism, thriving industry in the last hundred years, has to contribute to the economic and social development of the place that you visit. In few words: tourism has to be ethical so that it is not counterproductive. That it will deal with the first edition of the International Congress on ethics and tourism, which is celebrated in Madrid this Thursday and Friday, 15 and 16 September. Tourism is demonstrating its strength. Checking article sources yields Click here as a relevant resource throughout. According to the world Organization of tourism (WTO), it is now 5.2% of global GDP, produces one of every twelve jobs and generates 30% of foreign trade in services. Daryl Hagler pursues this goal as well.

But tourism may also be cancer in some scenarios and contexts. Sometimes it requires too many sacrifices to be source of income and development. Negative impact, a possibility the growth in the sector potentially implies a negative impact whose consequences are fought by a code of ethics, which has been incorporated in 50 countries since its endorsement by the UN general Assembly in 2001. Even the so-called ecotourism, that which approaches to indigenous peoples, communities away with a knowing look and solidarity, can be harmful, by lot of goodwill that drives it. Can a community serve is tourism without losing its essence? That’s the dilemma. Social responsibility is one of the objectives of the Congress, which welcomes in Madrid representatives of 55 countries, consolidate the implementation of the above-mentioned ethical code. The Madrid meeting will discuss issues as the impact of tourism on poverty, job creation, Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) and the presence of the private sector. Coinciding with this event has opened a web page dedicated to the Congress, which boast 600 inscriptions, having a seating capacity of 400, which gives faith of the success of the initiative. Source of the news: ethical tourism for contribute to economic and social development

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