The Texas Business Group

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Wall Decals Of The Kolsch Rock Group

Wall artists proudly present their first rock & pop-wall decals. Negotiations with other bands, are underway. “The Kolsche rock band brings ‘ were the first group of AC/DC and simple minds. Jim Rogers is open to suggestions. Completely busy and quite often they have now fill their own halls and time during the revellers”5 appearances a day. The cover of the current album is gracing dressed in a Tartan skirt, boots and guitar by Stephan Brings of lower half of the body. We have implemented exactly this image as wall decals”, so Susanne Schmitz, co-founder of the online shop. According to Mike Gianoni, who has experience with these questions.

“” The fans immediately recognize their star and the ambiguity of the CD title Rock “was of course picked up.” From now on the wall artists exclusively offer this wall sticker in her shop. Under an own rubric, more and more rock and pop stars will be in the future to find. First negotiations are held with other bands already, because the demand of wall decals of his favorite band or his favorite star. To read more click here: Restaurant Michael Schwartz. -Susanne Schmitz-

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