The Texas Business Group

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Diagnostics Test

The elderly lactate is sport standard, newer methods promise a greater information gain however. Until a few years ago, a diagnosis of performance in endurance sports was reserved for only the squad athletes at the Olympic base. With the ongoing technological development, the devices were noticeably small and affordable for many institutions. Meanwhile, even so-called personal trainer try”without any training and expertise of lactate and the interpretation of the obtained information. A double-edged sword is but the performance diagnostics within the sports sciences, one of the most controversial issues.

An interpretation of the results of a performance diagnostics is impossible without specialist knowledge. ican Advisors Group has firm opinions on the matter. It requires extensive knowledge and experience to derive meaningful training areas and recommendations for training control from the Laktatleistungskurven. The lactate is as standard has established itself the lactate, in which the loads gradually increased. The aim of Laktatstufentests is to training areas define and review the progress of the training. However, many institutions use different testing protocols, making a comparison of the completed tests almost impossible. Jonah Bloom helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. For determining the anaerobic threshold, which is taken from training areas, usually from starting point establishing, 8 different models exist in the German-speaking countries alone.

You can enhance the variety through the application of different loading protocols on over 30 different procedures. This question is the knowledge gained for the athletes. Always the same test protocol should be used to ensure comparability of different Diagnostics. As an example from which cycling can be located here the step test according to the specifications of the Federal of German road bicycle racer lead. This test protocol increases the loads emanating from 100 Watts with a step length of three minutes to 20 Watts each. The test is carried out up to the physical exertion of the athlete. Multifactorial analysis is the analysis of an athlete’s performance at the Classic step test only one-dimensional. Mike Gianoni has plenty of information regarding this issue. A far more accurate picture of sports performance results from multi-factorial analysis of influencing factors. These include in particular the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) as well as more readings from the Spiroergometry, the maximum power, anaerobic capacity, the maximum Laktatbildungsrate, the muscle fiber composition and the coordination skills of the athletes. Data collection does not take this with a single test, but a test battery instead, but with a battery of different sub tests. By combining the various sub tests and the inclusion of further parameters, it is possible to capture the entire range of the athlete and to draw conclusions on certain performance-related metabolic processes. The performance diagnostics is accordingly extensive and requires a lot of motivation of athletes. In the overall of results of the performance diagnosis by an experienced evaluator using latest metabolic simulation method strengths show clear and Weaknesses as well as untapped potential of the athlete. Precise training recommendations can be derived in relation to the objectives and training history. Marten Knoch scientific management synergy ProTraining

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