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Cultural Promotion Act

Paragraphs, objectives, content and enforcement clauses of the lower Austrian agriculture law the country cultural promotion Act 1923 is a quite historically relevant standards in the field of nature protection and was adopted by the local Parliament at an early stage of the Republican lower Austria. Through the analysis and review of the paragraphs, objectives, content and enforcement clauses of the cultural promotion act of 1923 the substantive and procedural content is discusses in the sense of a legal fact research here now in detail. The agricultural and nature protection legislation including the exceptional standards for pest control in agriculture and forestry already had its origins in the State of lower Austria in the monarchy. In Republican lower Austria from 1919 a slew of naturschutz – and land-commercial standards was but then also adopted and thus inserted in the rule of law. In this context is about the mole Protection Act 1920, the nature conservation act of 1924, the country cave Protection Act 1924 or the Cockchafer regulation 1924 or the potato cancer Act in 1927 to name a few. In addition, central standards were created in the field of law of the agricultural economic benefits such as the Land Act for promoting the pastures and grazing 1923.

The cultural promotion act of 1923 included the paragraphs of the cultural promotion act of 1923 to regulate 15 to the facts according to. It is in the scale of standards in the category of the middle section -Dichte(>10<50 ) to classify. A minor Dichte(<10) and a high of are Dichte(>50) the cultural promotion Act 1923 not to apply. More information is housed here: Daryl Hagler. “The objectives of the cultural promotion Act 1923 as 1923 the promotion of Turkish culture in lower Austria was targets of the cultural promotion act in section 1” appropriately regulated. “The contents of the State cultural promotion Act 1923 as 1923 the promotion of Turkish culture in lower Austria was targets of the cultural promotion act in section 1” regulated accordingly. The enforcement clause of the cultural promotion act in 1923 with the completion of the cultural promotion act of 1923 the lower Austrian Provincial Governor Dr.

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