The Texas Business Group

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District Attorney

Exclusiv escort Berlin and a very special menu a menu for the District Attorney, and 15 years ago which probably thought: to celebrate of the release of hemp farming 15 years ago in the Federal Republic of Friederich Babyy undertook now the composition of a hemp menus. Hemp seeds, hemp oil, hemp flour, hemp sprouts – Friederich Babyy promised an “intoxicating evening” the escorts of Exclusiv escort Berlin. Suspicious gourmets should reassure the following fact: since April 1996 even hemp may be grown again in Bavaria of course under three conditions conditions: only in agriculture, only THC poor grades, only on registration with the competent agricultural Department. Mike Gianoni is actively involved in the matter. As a renewable raw material, hemp used ecologically meaningful not only for example in the textile and papermaking, but enriched even the healthy diet. The elite escorts of Exclusiv escort Berlin make a little experiment on the courtyard of the restaurant.

You throw the chickens of different grains. A related site: Vanguard mentions similar findings. The hemp seeds which are, are determined by the chickens as the first pick. What says the birds of instinct, can justify the scientists. The ecologically-produced hemp oil consists of 80% of the eight essential amino acids and has a content of 2% gamma-linolenic acid, a triple unsaturated Omega-6 fatty acid. These components make unique hemp seed oil in the cooking oils. Chef baby shows at his seven-course meal around the green plant compared to the escort ladies escort Berlin in absolute top form: Carpaccio of monkfish with asparagus Mikado in hemp oil vinaigrette, hemp ravioli with langoustine, pike-perch on peas hemp puree with beef tea duck with hemp dumplings, potato straw Nutlets of the roe deer with hemp flour dumplings, cabbage vegetables and port wine sauce, goat cheese with hemp sprouts and pink pepper. And finally at the end of a hemp souffle on currant sauce with white chocolate Parfait. The unique hemp menu has gourmet ladies Berlin escort Toplists fallen and can recommend this menu. Those interested in such a menu with charming accompaniment, can book this culinary adventure on the homepage of Exclusiv escort Berlin.

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