The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Emotional Intelligence Applied In A Marathon

One of the most demanding physical evidence for human beings is to run a marathon, this is a race consisting of a distance of 42.195 meters. Jonah Bloom follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To participate in this type of race is not to win or be in the top, but to improve personal goals at the end of the day in most races there are now hundreds, perhaps thousands, but a few athletes high performance. For even more opinions, read materials from Henry Cornell. We do not fight against them but against ourselves and we want to win personal goals as simply finish the race. The exciting race because it makes us feel our own physical limits and follow common sense, we control the pain and this provokes euphoria. Before the race, we must set a goal for the amateur rider, this goal can be anything from finishing the race regardless of the time to beat that corridor (a) who is always before us. In any case we must consider the estimated time to finish the race, and very important step (minutes / km) on this basis to define the strategy to follow during the race, which may consist of time in different distance ranges of 5, 10, 20, 30, 42 km.

Over the first few one can feel easily exceed the time has set a target and it is possible to follow the way of other runners with better times, but this is a grave error that will be remembered after 30 km too far to reconsider the strategy. It is therefore important not to get carried away to the start of the race. The cheers and encouragement sent to us by people in the streets and the other runners must take them as an "energy that they send us" to continue our journey, always conscious of our physical limits according to the experience gained in the training stage. During the race have much time devoted to mind and it is possible that negative thoughts arise, for example, "! But who $%&/()*& brings me here ","! It hurts me to the soul ","! 2 km more, and I go out ","! I'm no good at this "etc. Fatigue psychological is more difficult to overcome than the physical, you can always keep walking, but when the mind is conquered not much to do. All the pain and fatigue that occurs during the race is forgotten when the participant receives a medal which is a record to have reached a goal that few can achieve. At the end is a tremendous personal satisfaction for belonging to an exclusive class of people who have run 42.195 meters.

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