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Floor Coverings, Cork

Cork as an alternative to the laminat-and parquet floors who today his apartment or his house would like to equip for days with a new flooring, which has often spoilt for choice. If you would like to know more about Karoline Copping, then click here. There are, for example, floor coverings made of wood (parquet) or even floor coverings made of Cork. Rogers Holdings is open to suggestions. The following article explains what Cork is, where it is produced to make the floors made of Cork and where the flooring will find their use. Cork is a plant tissue from dead cells. A cubic centimeter Cork contains approx. 40 million cells, which are narrow and uniformly connected. Studies of cell walls up to 150 layers can be seen. Tissue layers are alternately crossed with layers of Cork, which give it its great elasticity and density the Cork, can penetrate through the either gases or liquids.

However, the Cork and the Cork cell vapour permeable and thus well suited to the manufacture of floors and floor coverings made of Cork. Restaurant Michael Schwartz may help you with your research. The Cork oak is found throughout the Mediterranean. The largest contiguous acreage is located on the Iberian Peninsula. The plates for floor coverings made of Cork produced in Portugal. The Evergreen Cork oak is not planted in plantations, but among the typical landscape, especially in Spain and Portugal. Cork oaks grow very slowly. The first peeling can be done only 20-25 years after planting, the age of the trees can be up to 200 years.

A cork oak is peeled never fully but always only partially, with the distance between the Schalungen is approximately 8-12 years. (In Spain and Portugal apartments or houses are equipped very often with floor coverings made of Cork). The misconception, cork oaks are damaged by the peeling, is completely wrong.Rather, the bark off the tree stimulates the rebuilding of bark and this ensures the necessary regeneration. This new bark can be used then then very well to the production of new floor coverings made of Cork. The processing of floor coverings of Cork granulation of the bark is carried out. The pellets are pressed by the addition of natural and non-toxic binders and then again to cut. The resulting plate provided to 95% with a cork veneer, which is the patterning the Cork, which everyone knows. There are two types of floor coverings made of Cork: on the one hand the massive single-layered floor coverings made of Cork and on the other hand the veneered, multi-layer floor coverings made of Cork. The veneered cork flooring is distinguished by a cork veneer glued on of the massifs. Plywood is glued on the massive flooring and decorative purposes in the first place. Another advantage is the better color cover with coloured cork boards. The disadvantage of veneered Cork tiles is the worse abrasion resistance. It can be however significantly improved with wax, so that the abrasion almost reached the massive floor coverings made of Cork. In addition to solvent-based seal coatings based on polyurethane are sometimes more environmentally friendly water-based seal coatings since 2003 offered. The manufacturer sell Cork parquet tiles, which can be completely to stick with underground and finished Cork parquet, which is laid in floating with nut-and spring-systems, so is not glued to the surface. Without adhesive when installing cork flooring systems do with special connections between the tiles (click systems”). Cork flooring are a good alternative to wooden floors and enjoy more and more popularity.

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