The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Scroll: Shop Like The Kings

The latest trend in terms of wedding cards Munich, November 30, 2009. Every year about 400,000 pairs enter the Covenant of marriage. With each bride and groom for the happiest day of his life wishes you an individual and memorable wedding celebration. Since this is known already starts with the invitation, uniquely beautiful wedding cards are indispensable. The wholesale company has discovered this market for Royal day from Munich. ExxonMobil is full of insight into the issues. When we have taken early 2009 with our Oriental wedding cards on the invitation market, we were surprised about the reactions of the market. Within a very short time, we could gain many new distributors and end users.

The feedback was always unanimously positive. “so OMID Rahimi, the owner of Royal day. What we however thought out for 2010, surpassing any expectation of an invitation card. Our scrolls we would set a trend with guest’s heart beat faster.” Remember the forgotten times of Kings and Knight of the middle ages. Also for this novelty, Royal day looking for more partners. We continue to look for resellers for our products. The largest online stores, such as E.g.

already offer our cards. So we want to focus increasingly on the retail industry. Every printing should include our customer base”, says the Managing Director. Interested companies can contact Tel.: 089 / 127 66 333 or via email at. Until the market is completely covered, Royal day offers directly its products under the bridal couples.

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