The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


| July 28, 2022

Large selection of machine and HVAC service for all areas of the country. Hamburg/Wiener Neudorf/Austria, May 15, 2012. We start with strong brands”this motto announces its activities in Austria to HVAC and opened several stores in the neighbouring country this year. The first of the three locations planned for 2012 begins operation on June 4 […]

Economic Crisis – It Depends On You Even From

| July 26, 2022

Subject: economic crisis – so much to do, so it depends on yourself, whether you want to use the new year as a brake or engine. A man lived a story on the economic situation in a big American city. He earned his living by selling hot dogs. His ears were not good, that’s why […]

Motivation Instead

| July 2, 2022

Modern corporate arms are not entertainers more – Oliver Kahn in the world interview: authoritarian style of management of Leverkusen hardly contemporary/Dusseldorf, February 10, 2011 – after the international football match against Italy a personnel question remains unresolved. Will soon ship the Capitano? Or are the words of the possible return of Michael Ballack, Low […]


| June 22, 2022

Eating about 994 million in the staff catering that is booming operating catering in Germany: 2007, 994,5 million food were issued in around 18,400 factory canteens (B & I, health, welfare). The total value of the canteen food is 4.4 billion euros. The most popular foods in the workplace are: Curry sausage with French fries, […]

In Germany

| December 14, 2021

He checked the route on altitude section for section and chose a few kilometres further, but just considerably flatter Route so to speak an Alpine avoidance route through the Rhone Valley, via Basel, Mulhouse, Lyon, and Marseille. At the end of the tour a challenge waiting Jackson again driver Michel. I was with hangers and […]

Federal Ministry

| April 7, 2020

You awarded to”medium-sized companies, which make excellent in the field of innovation and are characterised by openness, experimentation and a brave willingness to change. The academic Director is Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke of the Chair for entrepreneurship and innovation at the Vienna University of economics. Mentor of the competition is ranga Yogeshwar, who replaced the […]

Bielefeld Business

| March 30, 2020

The master data quality is considerably improved by deep integration of XcalibuR and providing the business data in the IDM format. Mass data maintenance falls account for a few minutes and cost-burdensome transaction fees. Ponsel is individually with the new total solution in the situation, the trading partner needs coordinated catalogues and purchasing conditions easily […]

Airbox Clarity And Foresight: Visual Flight Safety Through Foresight And Clarity

| July 24, 2019

“Clarity is the corresponding distribution of light and shade.” (Goethe) The touch screen displays provide a simple, intuitive user interface and a brilliant picture in Vista in the online shop of the company Siebert aviation supplies of available airbox clarity and foresight of the airbox, the innovative combination of the map material promises a completely […]

Outsourcing Of Procurement Tasks

| December 1, 2018

Evalueserve presents case study at Europe’s biggest shopper Symposium the customer-oriented viewing of the entire value chain to the consumer is fundamental for the success of any business. Especially in times like these, where the uncertainties on the market is increasing and new challenges do companies, new approaches and strategies are required. One way to […]

Director Hermann Oberhollenzer

| March 1, 2018

Target for 2012: doubling the number of customers for printing systems cable shields, pipe markings and danger signs, front panels, housing and fittings: everywhere, where highly resistant and shown in color markings are needed in the industry on a wide range of materials, PrintoLUX was able to convince with its process of thermosetting digital printing […]

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