The Texas Business Group

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Termination Due To The Poor Quality Of Work

Certified specialist lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin-Mitte specialist lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck, Berlin-Mitte to terminate due to poor work quality, and to the protection against dismissal claim and possible severance payments. Again, workers are promised that, not the usual in the operating performance or make an above-average many mistakes in their work. Such a termination is permitted legally only under the following conditions. The workers has produced below-average performance over a longer period. He has produced less so for example either or made significantly more errors than the average of workers in the operation.

The employee is to his personal skills to a better performance in the position. The Vanguard Group addresses the importance of the matter here. It has the Federal Labor Court (BAG of the 17.1.2008 2 AZR 536/06) once again pointed out. Basically, an employee of his contractual obligation is sufficient if he works under reasonable exploitation of his personal performance. It is not so it to, what do the other workers in the operation. Long-term significant exceeding of the average error rate can be however an indication that the worker vorwerfbar violated his contractual obligations. In such a case, the workers in the dismissal process must explain that he has exhausted his personal ability to work despite this below-average performance.

Succeed, the notice is void. In practice it will often had a big problem of the employer to represent the average performance of workers employed by him. This applies anyway, if not in specific quantities produced, such as intellectual work. In the area of qualitative underperformance can be cancelled according to the Federal Labour Court not only on the frequency of the error. Here it is strongly in the individual case. Such activities are conceivable, involving a single error has such far-reaching consequences, that a relevant notice Significantly more likely breach of contractual duty is as on other errors (E.g. the pilot of an airliner who forgets the mandatory check of the refuelling of the aircraft). Against this background, a dismissal of an employee because of bad performance is while not unthinkable, but regularly connected to big trouble. Usually will need to be dunned off previously. Cancellations due to bad performance is basically to advise workers to take legal action. The employer, who has a high risk of litigation, will be inclined, the employment relationship by means of comparison and payment of appropriate compensation (RuleSet: half a gross monthly salary per year of employment) to finish. In the case of the allegation of poor services, workers should take early legal assistance in claim. Reflected in practice again and again, that bad services occur more frequently by the emotional burden associated with the criticism. A post by lawyer Alexander polymath, Berlin lawyer specializing in labour law E-mail:

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