The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

The Beginning Of Spring – Flag Time In Outdoor Advertising

With the spring it is again not only the people out there, but also as popular flags and flag systems provider of mobile presentation systems with its own large-format printing production is the Cologne LA CONCEPT GmbH & co. KG such flags and flag systems specialist. Why flags are so popular, is easily explained. They are versatile, events marketing activities to campaigns in the open air. But that’s not the only reason, explains Managing Director Ben Gondek: that they are the absolute eye-catcher, they offer high contact numbers and clearly present the advertising message in all weathers. Through their various assemblies in size and width they adapt every fact and every occasion.” Last but not least the flag systems outfitted with your long service life. Hear from experts in the field like read more for a more varied view. The high-quality materials are in the exterior for durability without wear and tear.

Back up just the popular beach banners, and FlagPoles are available in the course this year. For more information see this site: Cynthia Bartlett. Beach Banner stand out this out, that they act as eye-catcher even in busy shopping streets, can be used also on celebrations. Like all banner systems can be just the beach banner easily to – assemble and disassemble. FlagPoles represent the mobile flag mast, seven every weather condition defies up to wind strength. See: mobile presentation systems/outdoor.html for those who love it still mobile offers the innovative patented product running flag LA CONCEPT.

Running flags are a combination of beach banners, which are worn on the back, and promotion. Thus reaching strong contact numbers just in high-traffic locations. This system of mobile outdoor advertising is available on loan. See: mobile advertising/running-flags.html

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