The Texas Business Group

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A.D.U. Educate yourself with thoughts from family foundation. building service relies on electronic quality management system create customer satisfaction through the quality of our services. This is since always scale the A.D.U. building service and includes a commitment to continual improvement. To meet this high demand, the company has since 2009 on the quality assurance system innovative e-QSS. Certified as per DIN EN 13549 control and management tool provides e-QSS objective and complete evidence, that provided all the services at the agreed level.

QSS intelligently adapts to the specific needs of each company. Together with the customer creates an electronic checklist which provides a high level of transparency and security. The implementation of quality control with a mobile PDA guarantees a significant time savings in the data collection and evaluation. The data are automatically sent immediately after a check carried out, using GPS or Internet to the QSS-server. For the principal is available, of course, in a specially protected customer area the result of just a few minutes after the tour online in the Web portal. Large stack of paper with quality control forms and lengthy evaluations thus belong to the past.

But e-QSS offers even more. During a Kontrollgangs, for example, is determined that a fire extinguisher inspection is due or is discovered a faulty lighting, the competent staff of the customer directly via Flashmail can be informed. Special orders can be ordered directly through the system, and of course, the customer gets an automatic feedback after completion of the order. A client supports multiple properties in different locations, so he has based on the e-QSS software in a very short time, from the desktop, an overview of the quality of cleaning in his buildings. No matter, whether this building in Paderborn, Bielefeld, Kassel, are Hannover or Dusseldorf. Rapid and transparent evaluation Performance comparisons of different buildings and periods, significantly reduced response times, as well as a fast and uncomplicated information and communication are the main advantages of the e-QSS system”, says Heike Eltze, Managing Director of A.D.U. building service. An innovation with real added value”. Heike Eltze

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