The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Available Time

| February 22, 2017

– Available Time for the accomplishment of the research work. In the choice of the subject we have that to take in consideration the amount of activities that we will have that to fulfill to execute the work and mediz it with the time of the works that we have that to fulfill in our […]

The Beneficiary

| August 22, 2013

Occurred or perfected the taxable and born, consequently, the tax obligation shall be: 1. in the sale of personal property: to) in cases of sales to public entities, where authorized the issuance of the corresponding payment order. Omissis 3. In the provision of services: omissis c) in the case of services provided to entities public, […]

Rio De Janeiro

| December 18, 2012

Another aspect to detach is that such changes can lead to the overcoming of the understanding of the document as test of the Real, stops to understand it as appeared document, as starting point of making description in the classroom. This can help the pupil to develop the critical spirit, to reduce the intervention of […]

Kazan City

| April 19, 2012

Kazan – the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, one of the largest and most beautiful cities of Russia, included in the list of world heritage cities by UNESCO. Old Kazan – a city center. There are beautiful buildings, built in various architectural styles. Art Nouveau mansions coexist with baroque monuments. Emanates from the antiquity […]

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